Locations of the Workshop and Symposium in Rabat

Mohamed Arejdal, Azro N'Tmazert summer's lab 2012, courtesy of the artist and Le Cube - independent art room.
Le Cube – independent art room is devised as a space of exhibition, residence and research that is centered on contemporary artistic practices. Its approach revolves around projects that raise social, cultural and political questions, and proposals that question History and narratives.
With this dynamic, Le Cube designs and develops a vast program of exhibitions that link artistic issues to other dimensions of research, in order to carry out a constantly evolving reflection on our environment. A place for analysis and experimentation, Le Cube adopts and supports an approach that allows the artists and audiences to express their reflections and views.
Le Cube hosted the workshop of bauhaus imaginista: Learning From in collaboration with ARAV (Atelier de Recherche autour des Arts Visuels au Maroc).
Goethe-Institut Morocco

Goethe-Institut in Rabat, Marokko, © Goethe-Institut, 2018.
The symposium of bauhaus imaginista: Learning From took place at Goethe-Institut Morocco.