●Edition 3: Moving Away
Jan. 24–Feb. 18 2019

bauhaus imaginista. Moving Away, Gandhinagar

  • Design Gallery, National Institute of Design
  • Gandhinagar

bauhaus imaginista presents the exhibition Moving Away at the National Institute of Design, Gandhinagar. This exhibition focuses on how principles in design and architecture from the Bauhaus have been adapted, expanded and contested in different social and political contexts. These include the former Soviet Republics, India, North Korea and China. The title of the exhibition indicates how the migration of Bauhaus ideas was never a case of pure dissemination, but instead these ideas were accepted and rejected in relation to local conditions and against a backdrop of geopolitical change in the twentieth century.

Moving Away at the NID Gandhinagar, partly presented in Hangzhou (China) with the same title, and thereafter at the Kiran Nadar Museum of Art (KNMA) Delhi, brings diverse Bauhaus genealogies together in an exhibition for the first time. Through a series of case studies it becomes possible to compare different responses to the Bauhaus, filtered through cultural translation and grounded in the conditions of a particular locality. This exhibition includes material from the NID archives, exhibited for the first time, to illuminate the story of design education and its pedagogy in India. These historical roots are important to visit at a time when design education in the country is growing at a fast pace.

●Event documentation
●Slide Show
Photo Documentation of the Exhibition
●Locations and Partners
Location and Partners of the Event in Gandhinagar

The exhibition bauhaus imaginista. Moving Away opened at the Design Gallery of the National Institute of Design in Gandhinagar. → more

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