
Thomas Flierl

Curatorial Advisor: Moving Away

Born 1957 in Berlin, GDR; 1976 to 1981 study of philosophy and aesthetics at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; 1981 to 1984 research studies; 1984 research assistant); sent into 'cultural policy praxis', meaning enforced termination of research work at the university due to public criticism of the demolition of the listed gasometers in Prenzlauer Berg; 1985 doctoral degree in the arts; 1985 to 1996 active in the cultural sector, e.g. head of the cultural department of Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg from 1990 to 1996; 1998 to 2000 district councillor for urban development, construction and housing, Berlin-Mitte; 2002 to 2006 Senator for Science, Research and Culture in Berlin; from 2006 freelance cultural scientist, architectural historian and publicist; from 2007 Chair of the Hermann-Henselmann-Stiftung; from 2011 member of the scientific advisory board of the Ernst-May-Gesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main; from 2012 member of the Bauhaus Institute for History and Theory of Architecture and Planning at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar; lecturer at the Freie Universität Berlin in 2013 and 2015; 2012/2014 and 2016 guest researcher at the Institute for Advanced Study of the University of Konstanz.


Publications include:

Standardstädte. Ernst May in der Sowjetunion 1930-1933, edition suhrkamp 2643, Berlin 2012; as editor, the book series Gegenstand und Raum (in each case with his own essays) by Theater der Zeit, including: Berlin plant. Plädoyer für ein Planwerk Innenstadt Berlin 2.0 (2010); Städtebaudebatten in der DDR. Verborgene Reformdiskurse (2012); Mark Meerovic and Evgenija Konyševa, Linkes Ufer, rechtes Ufer. Ernst May und die Planungsgeschichte von Magnitogorsk (1930 – 1933) ( 2013); Von Adenauer zu Stalin. Die Tätigkeit des Kölner Stadtplaners Kurt Meyer in Moskau und der Einfluss des traditionellen deutschen Städtebaus in der Sowjetunion um 1935 (with Harald Bodenschatz). Coming up: Hermann Henselmann in seiner Berliner Zeit. Der Architekt, die Macht und die Baukunst, and, with Philipp Oswalt, Hannes Meyer und das Bauhaus. Im Streit der Deutungen. Reprints und Aufsätze, Leipzig 2018.


Most recent essays: ‘Gebauter Stalinismus’, in: Forum Stadt, issue 1/2014, p. 31-46; ‘Urbanism during the first years of the Stalin dictatorship’ (with Harald Bodenschatz) and ‘German city planners in the service of the Soviet Union: Ernst May’s standardised cities for Western Siberia’‚ in: Harald Bodenschatz and Max Welch Guerra (ed.), Städtebau und Diktatur, Basel 2015; ‘Die Proletarische Bauausstellung in Berlin 1931. Kontexte und Bruchlinien’, in: Kollektiv für sozialistisches Bauen. Proletarische Bauausstellung, Leipzig 2015, p.109-122 (German/English); ‘Wohnungskooperative, Socgorod und Neues Bauen in der Sowjetunion 1925-1932’, in: Arch+ 222, March 2016, p. 128-133.