Partha Mitter

Partha Mitter, Hon. D. Lit. (Courtauld Institute, London University), is Emeritus Professor in Art History, University of Sussex, Member of Wolfson College, Oxford and Honorary Fellow, Victoria & Albert Museum, London. As writer and historian of art and culture, he specializes in the reception of Indian art in the West, as well as in modernity, art and identity in India, and more recently in global modernism.
He has held fellowships at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton; Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles; Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts; and CASVA, National Gallery of Art, Washington DC. He was also Radhakrishnan Memorial Lecturer at All Souls College, Oxford.
His publications include:
Much Maligned Monsters: History of European Reactions to Indian Art (Clarendon Press, Oxford 1977; Chicago University Press Paperback 1992; new ed. Oxford University Press, Delhi 2013); Art and Nationalism in Colonial India 1850-1922: Occidental Orientations (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1994); The Triumph of Modernism: India’s Artists and the Avant-Garde – 1922–1947 (Reaktion Books, London, Oxford University Press, New Delhi 2007) and numerous articles, including leading a debate in the Art Bulletin (‘Interventions: Decentring Modernism: Art History and Avant-Garde Art from the Periphery’, Volume XC, No. 4 (December, 2008), 531–574; 'Bauhaus in Kalkutta', in: Annemarie Jaeggi (ed.): bauhaus global. Gesammelte Beiträge der Konferenz Bauhaus Global (Bauhaus-Archiv, Berlin, Gebr. Mann Verlag, Berlin 2010), 149–158, and catalogue essay, 'History, Memory and Anish Kapoor', in: Nicholas Baume (ed.): Anish Kapoor Past Present and Future, catalogue of the exhibition at the Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, 30 May–7 Sept. 2008, p. 105–118.
He also contributed to the exhibition Das Bauhaus in Kalkutta in 2013 and has been advisor to the Stiftung Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westphalen in Düsseldorf on global modernism.